Support - Outreach
Cultivate Connections Outside Your Community
Here are our best suggestions and advice for positioning your assembly within your city, town, or region to be a part of the larger community outside of SA. You may find more attendance, new speakers and themes to explore, and opportunities for collaboration on mutual causes by being a locally-engaged organization.
If you have more questions or great advice to add, share on Workplace!
Learn Who Is Around You
What other non-profit orgs, civic-minded groups, activists, or fellow secular communities are in your area? What common values do you share that you can build bridges with?
Following local reporters, politicians, and leaders on social media or observing local media can build an understanding of current concerns and who is taking action.
Examples: food banks, shelters, environmentalists, social justice orgs
Universities are a wonderful source for speakers on many topics. Subscribing to their updates will surface new concepts and people to consider highlighting.
Attend Local Events
Go to festivals, fairs, and conferences.
Know Your Local Outlets
Read your local paper, as well as neighborhood outlets. Learn advertising rates for them.
Show Who You Are
Take photographs! Capture your activity, your people, and your values so others can understand your community in ways words won't get across as easily or quickly.