Assembly Format

Program Structure

This is one example of how to structure an Assembly. Chapters vary some in which program pieces they include, in what order, and what they call them. 

Little Assembly

Here is a minimal way to run a small but well-formed Sunday Assembly gathering with just a host, a speaker, and song videos:

Program Elements

Songs - See our Songs page for more information

Speakers - See our Speakers page for more information

Introduction - Welcome everyone, introduce Sunday Assembly and the motto

Reading - This could be a poem or other short piece, related to the talk or not

Doing Your Best - Someone in the group shares a personal story about something going on in their life. It could be something they have been grappling with, striving at, succeeded with, failed but learned from, or are involved with that’s worth sharing. It's just about reminding each other that we're all trying the best we can.

Moment of Reflection - Invite the group to reflect for two minutes. May be set to soft instrumental music or nature sounds.

Life Happens - Invite the group to share highs and lows in their life. If your group is large enough, solicit these items before the Assembly and pick someone to read them.

Announcements - Let the group know when the next Assembly will be! Also announce small group activities, if there are any.

Address - If desired, the emcee can share a message related to the speaker topic.


If you are interested in using a pre-made Assembly, see our example Assembly in a Box

Or put together your own Assembly with some of these resources or your own ideas: